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Legal Issues « Legal Matters



Legal Issues and Matters Resources:

Civil Rights, Capital Punishment, Consumer Law,
Criminal Law, Indian Law



Civil Rights

Capital Punishment Issues

Consumer Law

Criminal Law

Indian Law

  • Native American Rights Fund
    The oldest and largest nonprofit law firm dedicated to asserting and defending rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals.
  • Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
    The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs had been in existence since the early 19th century.
  • Tribal Court Clearinghouse
    The Tribal Court Clearinghouse is a comprehensive website established in June 1997 to serve as a resource for American Indian and Alaska Native Nations, American Indian and Alaska Native people, tribal justice systems, victims services providers, tribal service providers, and others involved in the improvement of justice in Indian country.

Social Welfare Act

Miscellaneous Legal Issues

  • 8 Things Most Lawyers Won't Tell You (
    We've all heard horror stories from the legal trenches – Your lawyer fails to show up, he doesn't make an objection when it's the most important moment, he or she loses your big case for you – the list can go on and on. From the trenches of the largest municipal court system in the nation, here are some tips from one in the know.
  • The Federal Arbitration Act and Testamentary Instruments (David Horton – Aug. 2012)
    One of the most divisive recent issues in American civil justice has been the widespread use of arbitration clauses in consumer and employment contracts. At the center of this storm is the Federal Arbitration Act (the “FAA”).
  • Twisted Ethics of an Expert Witness (Seattle Times –  6/27/11)
    Earlier this year, a four-page document with a bland title, "Stipulation for Dismissal with Prejudice," was filed in a civil matter percolating on the King County Courthouse's ninth floor. Hardly anyone took notice. Most everyone had moved on. But that document — filed by lawyers tangled up in the estate of Stuart Greenberg, a nationally renowned psychologist whose life ended in scandal — signaled the end of a tortuous undertaking.   
  • What to Do When Physical and Mental Disabilities Cause You to Fail the Polygraph (ClearanceJobs – 9/25/2019)
    The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act play a role in the polygraph process, but as with all things clearance related, the rules aren’t so cut and dry as, say, someone who might need a wheelchair ramp or an ergonomic keyboard.